Love Dirty

  • Love Dirty is dedicated to keeping its customers healthy with a skin-safe hand sanitizer that doubles as a fashion accessory.

  • Love Dirty received some initial strong press from publications like GQ, The New York Post, and Glamour. Once the buzz died down there was a need for continued acquisition in a highly competitive niche market.

    Customer retention was also a key focus as its primary revenue-driving product was selling refills to the core hand sanitizer product.

  • We primarily focused on email marketing, campaign management, and LTV & retention strategy for this client. We worked to craft expertly written emails and beautifully designed templates which we then uploaded to Klaviyo to build out full-funnel email flows. Welcome series, abandoned cart, and bounce-back offers were some of the initial flows we helped strategize and set up to prepare the client for their next step into paid acquisition channels.

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Activist Skincare