Company Updates, Announcements Brayden Cruz Company Updates, Announcements Brayden Cruz

Hey! We Just Launched! Allow Us to Introduce Ourselves 👋🏼

Thanks for stopping by! We’re Genesist Labs. A growth marketing agency that specializes in helping DTC Shopify stores like yours increase customer lifetime value and rapidly scale revenue. We achieve this through our comprehensive service offering which includes media buying, creative production, landing page creation & CRO, email marketing strategy, and influencer marketing management.

Thanks for stopping by! We’re Genesist Labs. A growth marketing agency that specializes in helping DTC Shopify stores like yours increase customer lifetime value and rapidly scale revenue. We achieve this through our comprehensive service offering which includes media buying, creative production, landing page creation & CRO, email marketing strategy, and influencer marketing management.

Our Method

We don’t try too hard to be something we aren’t. What that means is when partnering with us, you won’t get “just another agency” that sends one email a month, makes optimizations once a week, and takes all the credit for conversions at the end of the quarter. Nor will you get an agency that tries to offer you every service under the sun, over promise, and under deliver.

No. We feel we have more to offer than that. That’s why we not only offer core growth services, but we also coach our clients on the most important part of any business in this day and age: LIFETIME VALUE. You’d be surprised how many brands and agencies out there are slow to adopt this. Maybe you’re reading this and wondering what lifetime value means. Well, you’ve come to the right place to learn more.

You see, many brands are used to focusing all their marketing efforts on ROI (Return on Investment) or when talking about paid channels, ROAS (Return on Ad Spend). Although, this method has long been broken. The time is overdue to accept the fact that we can no longer think about advertising like this:

“For every dollar I spend I want to get x dollars back.”

With recent updates from Apple with the release of iOS 14/15, changes in data privacy laws, and a more socially, conscious customer, we as advertisers must make every effort to delight and retain current users rather than trying to acquire an infinite amount of new ones.

That is why every day, we are testing new offers, messaging, creative and product offerings that align with our client’s customer base. We’re bringing the heat in this new age of content and collaboration. Rigorously seeking the best possible outcome so you can scale your brand and build a loyal community.

What’s In Store?

We plan to use this content as well as other mediums, such as video and podcasts in the future to inform our community. By practicing what we preach, you can expect to see tons of resources and helpful guides to come out of this in the months/years to come. We hope to shift the thinking in the average DTC owner and move more people to adopt the idea of radical customer satisfaction.

A Note From Our Founder

“Hey everyone! I’m super excited to meet you and do my best to train my team of Genesists to help your company scale to the moon. 🚀 The future is bright for DTC e-commerce and we’re just getting started! Reach out today and together we’ll create something worth sharing! All the best to you, Brayden.”

Get Started!

Now that we’ve introduced ourselves, we’d love to hear from you! Click this link to get started today!

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